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- From: psychospy@aol.com
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- Sender: "psychospy" <psychospy@aol.com>
- Message-Id: <9404102231.tn618311@aol.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 22:31:56 EDT
- Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #7
- Content-Type: text
- Content-Length: 9114
- Status: R
- THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
- Issue #7. April 10, 1994.
- Rachel, Nevada.
- !!!!!!!!!!! NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!!!!
- Acting at the request of the anonymous Groom Lake security force,
- the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department on Friday afternoon
- confiscated the equipment and videotape of an ABC News film crew
- after the crew was seen with a video camera at the Freedom Ridge
- viewpoint.
- While the unacknowledged Groom Lake air base has become a popular
- subject for many news photographers, the ABC crew claims they took
- no such pictures. They say that, on the advice of the network's
- legal counsel, they never pointed their camera in the direction of
- the secret base. The news report was to focus on the ironies of
- military secrecy, including the logical inconsistencies of the
- photography restriction. Crew members also say they filmed only
- on public land and never crossed the nearby military boundary.
- After driving down from the ridge in two four-wheel-drive
- vehicles, the four-man crew and their two escorts were stopped and
- detained by two deputies of the Lincoln County Sheriff's
- Department. Also present were two men wearing camouflage fatigues
- with no name tags or insignia. These men, presumably members of
- the perimeter security force, declined to identify themselves, but
- the vehicles they were driving bore U.S. Government plates.
- Members of the film crew told the deputies they took no footage of
- the base, but apparently their word was not believed. Based on
- the statements of an unnamed security guard who claimed to have
- seen the ABC camera pointed at the base, the deputies obtained a
- search-and-seizure warrant by radio, then confiscated all
- equipment and tapes of the crew and their escorts. Equipment
- seized included a professional video camera, sound mixing
- equipment, tape recorders, microphones, batteries, cables, a
- tripod, scanner radios, walkie-talkies and video and audio tapes.
- The total value of the equipment was estimated to exceed $65,000.
- According to local activists, this is the first time that a search
- warrant has been served on visitors to the Groom Lake perimeter.
- Immediately following the seizure, the equipment was taken inside
- the base perimeter and turned over to the anonymous private
- security force. The film crew was not informed of the equipment's
- final destination or if they would get it back. It is not clear
- why the tapes and equipment were turned over to the security
- personnel and not retained by the Sheriff's Department or the
- local justice court that issued the warrant. On public land, it
- is assumed that only the Sheriff's Department has jurisdiction,
- not the security personnel.
- The ABC crew consisted of correspondent James Walker, producer
- Robert Haberl, cameraman Robert Jennings and sound technician Mel
- Barr. All are employed by ABC News and were on assignment for
- "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings." Accompanying the crew
- was government oversight activist Glenn Campbell, from whom radio
- equipment was seized. A sixth member of the party, aerospace
- historian Peter Merlin, was detained with the others but did not
- lose any equipment.
- Members of the party were individually searched, as were their
- vehicles. After the equipment was seized, the six were allowed to
- leave the area. No one was arrested, and the group was detained
- for approximately two hours total.
- The ABC crew and Mr. Campbell say they will fight the seizure.
- In DR #4, the rescheduled trial date for four of seven accused
- trespassers was incorrectly reported. The rescheduled date is
- Apr. 13 (not Apr. 18). Even this date may be subject to revision
- owing to delays in obtaining subpoenas.
- On Jan. 2, the seven Las Vegas residents were arrested at a guard
- house about one-half mile inside the military boundary, about 13
- miles northeast of the secret Groom Lake base and about a mile
- northwest of the public Freedom Ridge viewpoint. [See DR #1.]
- Members of the group claim they crossed the border by accident
- while trying to find a well-publicized hiking trail to Freedom
- Ridge.
- The group passed the border while driving on a maintained access
- road serving the Groom Lake base. The border point is marked by
- signs on either side of the road but no fence or gate. This
- stretch of unpaved road has been dubbed "Sucker's Alley" by
- experienced visitors because of the growing number of first-time
- tourists who have driven beyond the signs here and been arrested
- at the guard house just beyond. The border and signs are located
- where the road passes through a narrow ravine where there is
- limited warning time and no convenient place to turn around.
- Visitors who drive up to the guard house to ask for information
- are usually arrested immediately with no opportunity for excuse or
- explanation.
- The group also claims that they passed a security patrol
- immediately after crossing the border and that the patrol made no
- attempt to stop them. They say an occupant of the vehicle waved
- to them in an apparently friendly manner, a gesture taken as an
- implied consent to proceed.
- While three of the seven chose to plead "No Contest" at their
- arraignment and accept a fine, the four remaining defendants have
- maintained their innocence and rejected plea bargain offers by the
- District Attorney. The four say that although they did cross the
- line, the circumstances were confusing and they did not do so
- intentionally.
- In the course of the arrest, cameras, telescopes and binoculars
- belonging to members of the group were seized by the anonymous
- security guards. Receipts were given for some of this equipment,
- but they were not signed. The equipment has not yet been
- returned.
- Rachel resident Glenn Campbell is continuing to seek the return of
- four rolls of photographic film taken from him on June 16, 1993.
- Like the ABC crew in the more recent incident, Campbell was seen
- with a camera on public land near the military border but claims
- he took no pictures of restricted installations. Campbell says
- that he was near the border north of Groom Lake where the base
- itself was not visible.
- Campbell says his film includes shots of a military helicopter
- deliberately buzzing him and a companion at a height of 25-30 feet
- about the ground. He says that under Air Force regulations,
- aircraft are supposed to maintain an altitude of 500 feet above
- any person, building or vehicle. Campbell characterizes the
- encounter as a deliberate assault in which the helicopter downwash
- was used to bombard the pair with flying debris. Campbell says
- that the film contains proof of both the action and the intent.
- Although Campbell voluntarily gave his film to a Sheriff's deputy
- when asked to so, he says that it was with the explicit
- understanding that the film would be developed and returned to
- him. Campbell says that, despite numerous demands and inquiries,
- the film has not been returned. He says he has not been given any
- notice that the film is being forfeited either, and he has not be
- charged with any crime. Campbell contends that his property has
- been confiscated without due process.
- "I did not photograph any installation," Campbell says. "You
- couldn't even see anything from that area, so I figured it was
- safe to let the Sheriff examine my film. I know now that I was
- foolish, but I thought I would get it back, especially when the
- pictures contained clear evidence of Air Force wrongdoing. I
- thought the Sheriff would retain control of the film and the
- federal authorities wouldn't be so dumb as to try to cover up
- their own crimes. I was wrong."
- In a letter to Mr. Campbell, the District Attorney confirmed that
- the film was turned over to the Air Force but gave no further
- specifics. Mr. Campbell's lawyer, Steve Hofer, has formerly
- requested information from the District Attorney on where this
- film is being held and to which party a suit should be directed.
- Campbell says he will pursue the matter in court if no progress is
- made.
- In an unrelated case, no word has been received on the status of
- the two rolls of film taken from a photographer working for the
- New York Times Magazine after he was seen on Freedom Ridge with a
- camera on March 23. [See DR#6.] It remains unclear at the
- writing whether the rolls relinquished actually contained any
- pictures or whether the photographer or his employer will choose
- to pursue the case.
- This special issue of the Groom Lake Desert Rat may be freely
- reproduced without restriction.
- For more information, contact psychospy@aol.com or call 702-729-
- 2648. (Email is preferred for non-urgent messages.)
- To subscribe to this free on-line newsletter, send an email
- message to psychoserv@aol.com (not psychospy). Hard copy
- subscriptions by regular mail are also available for $1.50 per
- issue (or $15 for the next 10 issues) from: Glenn Campbell, HCR
- Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001.
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